Our ultimate goal is to achieve injury and incident free work sites and zero environmental incidents. We work towards the achievement of this objective through education, training and on-site support of our workforce.
Our OHSE Policy is the cornerstone of our business. To achieve this objective, we will:
- Comply with all applicable legislation, standards and codes;
- Provide staff with clean, safe and healthy working conditions;
- Provide for all necessary learning and training;
- Ensure equipment, tools and machines are maintained in good repair;
- Promote continuous improvement in Health, Safety and Environmental Standards;
- Facilitates the prompt return to work of employees;
- Reduce waste and pollution generated from our activities; and
- Achieve a goal of zero lost time injuries
Citywest will provide on request our Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) and Site Safety Management Plan. Please contact us to have a copy emailed to you.